

oil painting 255 x 200 mm




oil painting 255 x 200 mm



oil painting 255 x 200 mm



oil painting 255 x 200 mm


oil oil oil

It was the first time for me to try oil painting few months ago and I have been addicted to it.
I love it more than 3 meals in a day!!!

oil painting 255 x 200 mm



pencil drawing 215 x 295 mm


oil painting
1/4 apple 20 x 16 inches 1/2 purple cabbage 16 x 20 inches



acrylic painting 210 x 145 mm


stuffed doll 2

Here comes the new doll! It's for my housemate.
He's really ambitious fashion designer!


stuffed doll

It is a gift for a friend of mine who is a drummer.
He's gonna go back to Japan, so it could be a farewell gift.
I hope he likes it.
It seems to be a bit messy of its detail, but I love making stuffed toys!
I want to create more!!!



This is my work for JUMP THE SHARK, Camberwell Leisure Centre Exhibition 20th-28th June.



" Here you are!" and " Comedians" 

"Comedians" was made for NENGA-JO ( Japanese greeting card in New Years Day).
Finally, I printed it.


author_Biopic film


I am given Stephen Tennant in this project.
 He is a British aristocrat known his decadent lifestyle. It is said that he spent most of his life in bed. He was born in England in 1906 as the youngest son of Lord Glenconner. During the 20s and 30s, he was am important member of the "Bright Young Things". Most of the "Bright Young Things"people  never did a real day's work in their lives. Some were ridiculously rich to bother. Those privileged group whose only object in life was to have fun, but so it proves. Life was one long patry and the fancy dressing, the making up, the cocktails and practical jokes should have been frightfully amusing.

As I started the research about him, I got a book about his life, "Serious Pleasures" by Philip Hoare. I also found a film, "Bright Young Things" by Stephen Fry (2003) . They gave me a lot of hints about Stephen. I did not understand about him at first, but gradually I found it interesting to know about him. 
In this film, I wanted to make it as a theatre show. I picked up some significant moments and made some stories based on them. The film consists these stories. I just chose the song "Sing Sing Sing" (originally by Luise Prima, but I used Benny Goodman's version) because it was used in the "Bright Young Things" film. I had listened to this song before, and I like it because it is  really dramatic. Basically I scanned drawings on my sketchbook and put them into Photoshop.
Then I edited them by Final Cut Express. I used some Stephen's photographs from the book.

author_society pt2

This time, we were thinking about making visual and verbal articles representing our hierarchies, welfare, religion, status, roles,culture, philosophy, territory and so on. 
We produced a territory map, a coat of arms,a flag, currency, postal stamps, passport, ID card, a monument/statue, a public holiday greeting card and a newspaper. We shared of these works. 
Mine are currency and postal stamps.

At the beginning, I had an idea that I made use of natural materials such as leaves, nuts, stones and seeds for the currency. But I failed to experiment them... I should have taken more time for considering. So, just, did what I like! I like plasticine. There are a lot of colours and easy to make figures for me. Before everything, lots of fun! Then I made coins and notes that have our figures on them. Miriam is known as an evil monster and Chloe is sort of priest in our society, so they have indispensable power. That is why they appear on notes.

I also tried to find something from nature, but in the same reason, I decided to use lino for postal stamps. The design is simply us, creatures.