
author_society pt2

This time, we were thinking about making visual and verbal articles representing our hierarchies, welfare, religion, status, roles,culture, philosophy, territory and so on. 
We produced a territory map, a coat of arms,a flag, currency, postal stamps, passport, ID card, a monument/statue, a public holiday greeting card and a newspaper. We shared of these works. 
Mine are currency and postal stamps.

At the beginning, I had an idea that I made use of natural materials such as leaves, nuts, stones and seeds for the currency. But I failed to experiment them... I should have taken more time for considering. So, just, did what I like! I like plasticine. There are a lot of colours and easy to make figures for me. Before everything, lots of fun! Then I made coins and notes that have our figures on them. Miriam is known as an evil monster and Chloe is sort of priest in our society, so they have indispensable power. That is why they appear on notes.

I also tried to find something from nature, but in the same reason, I decided to use lino for postal stamps. The design is simply us, creatures.


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